
Time Machine Update #7

With John Mayer being on tour now, I was wondering when he was going to update his blog. And he did, today. Here is his latest entry:

With Marcy out of the house this weekend, I finished painting the large cardboard wheel with black and white swirls. This will serve as the time machine's time travel indicator, or TTI. The TTI will let my team know that time travel is taking place and not to open the porthole or doors. Then again, I could also lock the porthole and doors, or even hire a team of humans for that matter, but most films I have seen that feature successful time travel include a machine that has a spinning wheel of this nature.

But on to my salient point; if I am to live amongst the people of 1999, I must blend in with them. These two recent purchases will help.

And to the secret government agency that has been trying to recruit me via my eBay feedback, please stop. I didn't ask for these powers. But I am glad you are enjoying the Budweiser mirror.


Johnny Boy, I think someone has read too much Ray Bradbury and/or science fiction. *laughs* But if you are hiring a team of humans, I want to put in my application.

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