
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

I am in love with the song Slow Dancing in a Burning Room. I'd marry it if I could. To show you how good this song is, here is Johnny boy performing it live:

Here is the lyrics in case you want to follow along:

Slow Dancing In A Burning Room lyrics

Again, I love this song. I loves the bluesy riffs, and I am in love with John Mayer's voice as well. It is like chocolate. I could live off of it and be totally satisfied.


Unknown said...

yes i would gladly marry this song too. Even though it is about losing a loved one or something along those lines. I am still going to play with at my wedding with the girl I love. Mayer is amazing.

Stephanie said...

This song is beyond amazing! It so tragic, it makes me cry every time I hear it, but I listen to it over and over because its beautiful. I know a couple who's relationship is exactly like the one described in the song. They've been fighting so so long to keep their relationship going, but they're going down. Its so sad :( I cry for them. I love the pictuce john Mayer can paint with his lyrics and the mood he can play, he truly can make the song come alive