
revering celebrities.

What is the big deal about celebrities?

I mean, come on. I happen to lead a very exciting life, albeit I don't have the kind of dough that they have. and yet, even if they walk down the street or eat a hamburger, they end up on the cover of US Weekly or OK! Magazine.

Granted, some use their publicity for good causes. for example, the Live Earth concert to raise money for the fight against global warming. I happen to like planet Earth and I'd prefer not to have to build entire towns on stilts because we pollute our earth to the point of no return.


Anonymous said...

Hi... found your blog on digg and dugg it for you also. I made a blog too but nobody reads its :( . It's ok... it's still my blog. Good luck with it!! I'll check back again. Maybe we can just comment back and forth for each other .. haha!

The WuFather

Anonymous said...

I agree, but must confess that I do blog about Lindsay Lohan or that Hilton chick every so often. To further bare my soul, I drop celebrity names to see how (or if) my blog stats soar. I know, I'm cheap :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should try that :)