
The Fajita Staple Idea

Besides me, John Mayer is the most random person that I know (well, I don't know him...I know of him. But if we did know each other, we'd have a big conversation full of randomness...such as what kind of cheese we like). So I am going to make it a point that every time he makes a post in his blog, I am going to reply in response. This will be the regularity on my blog..."Notes to John".


From John Mayer's blog (http://www.johnmayer.com/blog)

Design and manufacture a staple to help keep fajitas securely wrapped. Call it "The Fajita Staple". Make it strong, perhaps hewn from solid steel. Tangs must be very sharp so as to pierce steak or chicken, or in some cases fish. Can we get it into Rite-Aid by Christmas? (Ask Gary Thaint's people.)


Here's what I think of when I think of staples (see picture). I say to John: unless you want to rip out peoples' innards, ix-nay the idea. Just deal with having to hold the fajita.

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