
the real world...

I like to think a lot about this term..."the real world." Especially since I will be graduating college in the fall, and will soon be entering "the real world."

I took a philosophy class once, called Knowledge and Reality; something the professor said stood out in my mind: "What is real? Is it what our brain processes? Is it what we perceive to be real? What is real for us may not be real for others."

How true this is. My reality is most definitely not other people's reality. I realize how lucky my life has been, and how I've had people supporting me and encouraging me all throughout my journey to get to my goal of becoming a teacher.

To those people, I give my thanks.


Anonymous said...

Interesting how we eventually wake up to the stuff we take for granted. Steven Pinker says we are all psychologists, Richard Tarnas, that were are all Philosophers and Phil Johnson that we are all epistemologists...I'm researching for a DBA and a paper I'm writing is 'What is Truth' ---- and boy does THAT get into 'what is the real world'- I guess it depends on if you have a realist or subjective ontology or a realist or subjective epistemology. Me? I sure everything is 'text' and I'm pretty sure if a brick falls on my head its 'real'

Brandykins said...

My professor also asked the question, "How do we know we're not dreaming? Or hallucinating?" That was a little too weird for me. :)